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1st PY VINA Seminar on Eco-Friendly Technology for Construction Projects

On November 27, 2020 Posco Yamato Vina Steel held a seminar on Eco-Friendly Technology for Construction Projects

Around 20 people from 12 parties of steel-structure industry field attended the seminar, including Vietnam Steel Association, Professors from HCMC Universities, Construction design - fabricating companies and Steel distributors

Seminar on Eco-Friendly Technology for Construction Projects

1st PY VINA Seminar on Eco-Friendly Technology for Construction Projects

In the first report at the Seminar, with topics “Cellular Beam for PEB Structure”, Mr. Phuc (Professor of HCMC University of Architecture) introduced the overview about the possible section type for main frame of PEB structure and Various applications Cellular Beam (CB) for PEB, from that conclusion CB can be considered for specific project with many service utilities and high quality assurance without large increase of weight and cost.

1st PY VINA Seminar on Eco-Friendly Technology for Construction Projects

Mr. Phuc (Lecturer at University of Architecture) at the seminar

In the next report, Mr. Nghiep (Professor of HCMC University of Transport) make a presentation on Project in cooperation with POSCO “Development of Steel Girder Bridge for Rural Transport in the Mekong Delta”. The main content of the report introduced and proposed a modified type of steel-concrete composite bridge: Higher load bearing capacity, More economical and Fast construction.

1st PY VINA Seminar on Eco-Friendly Technology for Construction Projects

Mr. Nghiep - Lecturer of University of Transport presented his report at the seminar

1st PY VINA Seminar on Eco-Friendly Technology for Construction Projects

Especially with the participation of Dr. Park from POSCO Global R&D Center through the online meeting system, introduced to the guests about POSCO’s activities for Steel structure technologies.

POSCO has been supporting Korea Iron & Steel Association (KOSA) and Korean Society of Steel Construction (KSSC) for the development of steel technologies in Korea and supporting university, design company, fabricators for industry-academic cooperation to develop steel structure technologies.

1st PY VINA Seminar on Eco-Friendly Technology for Construction Projects

Dr. Park – Posco Global R&D presented at the seminar

PY VINA introduced the plans for annual technology seminar in Vietnam and design contest as well for individuals and organizations operating in the steel structure field to expand new steel solutions in the steel structure field.

The seminar has ended successfully, has been bringing some useful and practical knowledge to help businesses understand more deeply specialized knowledge associated with reality.

1st PY VINA Seminar on Eco-Friendly Technology for Construction Projects

Posco Yamato Vina Steel
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